So Even Mount Everest should have been under water. How did the People and species inside the ark breathe then ? To my understanding we need breathing equipment to breathe beyond a certain Altitude.
There are MANY reasons the global flood is absurd. But I don't really think this is a fair criticism. If the earth were to be covered in water than the atmosphere would naturally stay above that water. Or, to put it another way, Noah's altitude would've been sea level.
If your looking for absurdity, consider that the Egyptians, Sumarians, Harrapans, and the Chinese all failed to notice that they got wiped out by Yawehs incompetence. They all have a written history and governments that predate the flood and have continuity after the flood.
Or the fact that the pyridamids, constructed hundreds of years before the supposed flood, show no signs of water damage or decay.
Or the fact that we have trees still around today that were alive before the time of Noah - like this bristle cone pine here in Northern CA:
Etc. A global flood 4,000 years ago is pure mythology refuted by geology, stratigraphy, geophysics, paleontology, biology, anthropology, and archaeology . . . just to name a few.